
About us

Here's a little bit about Performance Kingdom....

Performance Kingdom LTD was created in late 2020 during a time when many were at their lows with the impacts of Coivd 19.

​I have spent years buying from places like Aliexpress, Ebay, Wish, Amazon, and other overseas sites only to have items turn up broken, nothing as they are pictured, not even what was advertised, take 6 months to show up or not at all! 

Over the years I have found good suppliers in Japan and thought why not make these products accessible to you! My goal with Performance Kingdom is to bring happiness around New Zealand by making these aftermarket parts and accessories readily available to you, at a good price and delivered to you within a timely manner!

Hi my name is Kassandra Beehre and I am the founder of Performance Kingdom LTD. I grew up with the love of modifying cars, helping my dad in the shed every weekend and growing up to buy and build my own cars.

Due to Covid 19 it was hard to get alot of the aftermarket JDM parts in New Zealand for myself to aid in building my cars. I found this was also a bigger issue for consumers in NZ which is where the idea for Performance Kingdom was formed.

Why not stock and sell new aftermarket JDM parts from Hamilton, New Zealand to provide us car lovers with aftermarket JDM products we love with no string attached!?

If you have any questions for me, I'm only an email away! 
All emails will get a response within 1-3 business days.